Taking a Step in the Right Direction: When to Visit a Podiatrist

As a runner, taking care of your feet is not just a matter of comfort; it's a critical component of your performance and overall health. There's a point in every runner's journey when lacing up the right shoes isn't the only stride you need to take. Understanding when to turn to a podiatrist can mean the difference between treating a minor ache and addressing a potentially career-altering injury.  Understanding the Podiatric Perspective [Read More]

Podiatrist—Key Selection Tips To Remember

Some foot and ankle problems are so severe that they require professional assistance from a podiatrist. You might have several options to consider in your area, and you can make the proper selection if you look over the following search tips.  Determine if a Specialty Is Required or Not  Some podiatrists specialize in particular foot and ankle problems, whereas others have a more general practice. Carefully examine your symptoms to determine which type of podiatrist you should see for professional treatment. [Read More]

Useful Measures To Take When Searching For A Podiatrist For Feet-Related Problems

Any time you have issues with your feet, such as bunions or cysts, you'll want to see a podiatrist because they specialize in this type of healthcare. If you're searching for a podiatrist to work with for the first time, these search tips can help you have a great payoff in the end. Verify They've Treated Many Cases Like Yours Familiarity with the right feet problems is very important to assess when looking for a podiatrist to work with. [Read More]

Home Treatments Your Podiatrist Might Recommend For Plantar Fasciitis

If your podiatrist diagnosed your heel pain as plantar fasciitis, you may be looking for ways to get pain relief from this condition. Your podiatrist has several treatment options to consider, but they may start with home care first and progress to medical treatments if your plantar fasciitis doesn't get better. Here are some things your podiatrist might recommend you do at home to provide plantar fasciitis relief. Wear A Night Splint [Read More]